
作者:Ivory Vogt '17,国际传播

Ivory Vogt graduated from WWU in 2017 with a degree in international communication. She also holds a master's in Tourism, Environment, and Development from Kings College London. She currently works as the program manager for climate and resilience at Sustainable Travel 国际 and holds a variety of volunteer positions.

I discovered my passion for service and international development when I was the director of the ASWWU’s Global Service team. From 2016–2017 we organized events and campaigns to raise money to allow Congolese refugees to complete their secondary education in Rwandan Adventist high schools. I had the best time fundraising and planning events with a team of five other students. I got to travel to Rwanda with other ASWWU leaders and together we interviewed students, 探访难民营, and visited schools in order to really understand the issues they faced. This experience made it apparent to me that whatever work I did after graduation had to be in service to others and have a real, 对人们的生活产生积极影响.

This summer I had the chance to participate in the United Nations’ Ocean Conference and its Youth Innovation Forum. This event brought together more than 150 young people to create innovative solutions to ocean climate challenges in only 24 hours. While other groups of young advisors focused on solutions related to sustainable seafood or plastic pollution, our group had the winning idea for ocean renewable energy. We were inspired by the energy problems facing small island developing states and developed a floating solar panel system we called SUNREEF. 最棒的是, 然而, was collaborating with passionate and inspiring youth who are taking climate action seriously.

在开球之后, I stayed for the rest of the Ocean Conference as a delegate from Palau, 哪个是我的家乡. Islanders like to call themselves large ocean states because our ocean is and always has been a significant part of our lives, 尤其是太平洋岛民. There is a lot of traditional knowledge that we can use to conserve our environment. My passion for climate action and its impact on our oceans is so closely tied to my home. Being able to celebrate Palau’s commitment to end deep seabed mining, 探索蓝碳解决方案, and continue to advocate for ocean conservation was a huge honor.

工作还没有结束! I currently work full-time for Sustainable Travel 国际 as their program manager for climate and resilience. I work every day with travel businesses and tourist destinations to take climate action. The tourism industry is a huge source of income for many islands and strengthening that industry in a climate-positive way will make tourism in islands a positive force for change. A huge part of my job is running carbon footprint assessments for organizations, which allows them to reduce emissions and offset those they can’t. The offsetting of emissions encourages businesses to invest in the environment and renewable energy solutions.

My work with carbon markets has allowed me to continue to support Palau's U.N. and climate change office at these various international events. I will be a Climate Youth Negotiator for Palau at the upcoming COP27 Climate Change Conference in Egypt. 作为帕劳的谈判代表, I’ll be helping in meetings specifically relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to ensure the development of carbon markets that are transparent and fair to all parties involved and have real impact.

I feel blessed to have had so many experiences and to now be able to work for a cause that is so dear to my heart. One can take many paths to fulfill our life’s purpose, but I would say focus on the path where you can have the most impact. 为了我和我对帕劳的爱, 这条道路不断地在世界各地交织, 但风气依然如故. My love of my work blended with my responsibility to act keep me going.

I would encourage students to lean into their liberal arts education by learning about what is going on in the world, 发现他们的激情所在, and taking advantage of all the opportunities WWU offers outside of studies. All the volunteer work I did both locally and internationally during college is what gave me my start. 一路走来, I keep being inspired by the spirit of service that Jesus exemplifies—of helping others, 保护网上博彩澳门银河的社区和世界.

“I keep being inspired by the spirit of service that Jesus exemplifies—of helping others, 保护网上博彩澳门银河的社区和世界.——ivory Vogt(17岁

Vogt has worked across the globe to advocate for climate justice.